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с албанского на английский

I'm working on it

  • 1 working

    ['wë:king] adj.,n. -adj 1. pune (rroba, ditë, drekë). 2. aktive, e punësuar (popullsi); punëtor; the working class klasa punëtore, punëtorët; the working classes proletariat!./-n 1. pl. mekanizëm; fig. funksionim; ingranazhe (të shtetit etj). 2. min. kantier shfrytëzimi. 3. punë; punim, funksionim. 4. fermentim. 5. shfrytëzim (toke, miniere). 6. përpunim (materialesh). 7. qepje; qëndisje.
    working capital ['wë:king 'kæpitël] n. fin. kapital aktiv
    working drawing ['wë:king 'dro:ing] n. tek. skicë pune
    working expenses ['wë:king ik'spens] n. shpenzime operacionale
    working hypothesis ['wë:king hai'pothisis] n. hipotezë pune
    workingman ['wë:kingmën] n. punëtor
    working party ['wë:king 'pa:ti] n. Br 1. grup pune. 2. komision hetimor. 3. usht. skuadër
    working stiff ['wë:king stif] n. zhrg. punëtor
    workingwoman ['wë:kingwumën] n. punëtore
    * * *
    duke punuar

    English-Albanian dictionary > working

  • 2 working class

    ['wë:king] klasa punëtore, punëtorët; the working classes proletariat!

    English-Albanian dictionary > working class

  • 3 working capital

    ['wë:king 'kæpitël] n. fin. kapital aktiv

    English-Albanian dictionary > working capital

  • 4 working drawing

    ['wë:king 'dro:ing] n. tek. skicë pune

    English-Albanian dictionary > working drawing

  • 5 working expenses

    ['wë:king ik'spens] n. shpenzime operacionale

    English-Albanian dictionary > working expenses

  • 6 working hypothesis

    ['wë:king hai'pothisis] n. hipotezë pune

    English-Albanian dictionary > working hypothesis

  • 7 working party

    ['wë:king 'pa:ti] n. Br 1. grup pune. 2. komision hetimor. 3. usht. skuadër

    English-Albanian dictionary > working party

  • 8 working stiff

    ['wë:king stif] n. zhrg. punëtor

    English-Albanian dictionary > working stiff

  • 9 the working classes

    [dhë 'wë:king kla:sis] proletariat!

    English-Albanian dictionary > the working classes

  • 10 what is he working up to?

    [wot iz hi 'wë:king ap tu:] ku kërkon të dale ai?

    English-Albanian dictionary > what is he working up to?

  • 11 work

    [wë:k] n.,v. -n 1. punë; start work, set to work filloj punën; set sb to work vë në punë dikë; a good piece of work punë e bërë mirë; good work! të lumtë! 2. punësim, punë; put/throw sb out of work nxjerr/heq/pushoj nga puna dikë; be looking for work kërkoj punë; she's off work today ajo e ka pushim sot. 3. vend i punës; zyrë; ndërmarrje; punë; on her way to work rrugës për në punë. 4. vepër, punë; the works of God punët e Zotit; be judged by one's works vlerësohem nga veprat. 5. art., let. vepër(artistike); punim; works of fiction vepra artistike; the complete works of Fan Noli veprat e plota të Fan Nolit. 6. pl., adm., usht. punime; fortifikime; road works punime për mirëmbajtje rrugësh; Ministry Of Works Ministria e Shërbimeve Komunale / e Punëve Botore. 7. pl. tek. mekanizëm. 8. pl. shih works. 9. qëndisje; punë me grep. vat work në punë; duke punuar; në veprim; give sb the works zhrg. a) e përpunoj mirë, e rregulloj paq dikë (me dru); b) i rrjep lëkurën, e qëroj, e vras; in the works gj.fol. në projekt; në pritje; lose the works i humbas të gjitha; make short work of heq qafe pa vonesë, nuk ia bëj të gjatë; out of work pa punë; i papunë; put in the works zhrg. i vë të gjitha (paratë) në lojë; the whole works e më the të thashë, e kallam kusuri.
    -vi. punoj; work hard punoj shumë; work on the car for two hours merrem dy ore me rregullimin e makinës; I'm working on it po vazhdoj të merrem me të (me problemin). 2. punon, funksionon (makina, plani etj); the plan worked like a charm plani funksionoi për mrekulli; that works both ways kjo është thikë me dy presa. 3. vepron (ilaçi, majaja). 4. shfrytëzoj, zhvilloj aktivitet (në një zonë). 5. vë në funksionim. 6. vë të punojnë, lodh; she's working herself too hard/to death ajo po i merr shpirtin vetes në punë. 7. punoj, mbruj (brumin). 8. bëj, arrij me përpjekje; work wonders bëj mrekullira; they worked their way through college ata punuan për të paguar studimet; can you work it so that... e rregullon dot që... 9. sforcohet (fytyra). 10. sjell, shkakton. 11. lëviz me mundim; manovroj; work the hook carefully out of the cloth e heq me kujdes grepin nga rroba; work one's way round towards sth/sb i afrohem dikujt /diçkaje pak nga pak. 12. bëhet; these shoes have worked loose këpucët janë zgjeruar/hapur shumë. 13. bind; ndikoj mbi. 14. zgjidh (një problem). 15. gj.fol. ia bëj mendjen dhallë. 16. vjen (brumi).
    work away ['wë:k ë'wei] punoj, e kaloj me punë
    work down ['wë:k daun] heq, ul (çorapet)
    work in ['wë:k in] a) futet (pluhuri etj); b) bashkëpunoj; c) bashkëvepron; funksionon: that'll work in quite well kjo do të shkojë për mrekulli; d) fus (një vidë); e) hedh me marifet (një fjalë)
    work off ['wë:k of] a) del, hiqet (doreza, dadoja); b) shlyej (borxhin); c) ul (peshën); d) fig. zbraz (inatin); shkarkoj (energjitë)
    work out ['wë:k aut] a) ecën; funksionon (plani); shkon mirë (martesa); b) zgjidhet (problemi); c) rezulton (shuma); d) stërvitem; e) zgjidh (ekuacionin); f) gjej përgjigjen); g) zbërthej; përpunoj (planin); h) shteroj, shfrytëzoj deri në fund; i) shfryj (inatin)
    workout ['wë:kaut] n. sport. seancë stërvitjeje
    work over ['wë:k 'ouvë:(r)] i jap dajak, shqep në dru
    work round ['wë:k raund] i shkoj anës; dua të dal
    work to rule ['wë:k tu: ru:l] nuk i kërkoj më shumë se ç'i takon (punëtorëve)
    work up ['wë:k ap] a) zhvillohet; b) përgatitet; c) kërkoj të arrij: what is he working up to? ku kërkon të dale ai? d) ngre (pantallonat, fundin); e) fig. ngre, ndërtoj; work one's way up to the top arrij të çaj/të ngrihem në nivelet drejtuese; f) shtyj, nxis: work the crowd up into a fury nxis zemërimin e njerëzve; don't get all worked up! mos u nxeh kaq shumë!
    workable ['wë:këbël] adj 1. i realizueshëm, i zbatueshëm (plan). 2. e shfrytëzueshme (minierë)
    workaday ['wë:këdei] adj 1. pune, për gjatë javës (veshje). 2. e zakonshme, e rëndomtë (ngjarje)
    workaholic [wë:kë'holik] adj. gj.fol. qen i punës, njeri që i merr shpirtin vetes
    workbag ['wë:kbæg] n. çantë veglash/pune
    workbench ['wë:kbenç] n. bankë/tavolinë pune
    workbook ['wë:kbuk] n 1. fletore ushtrimesh. 2. manual. 3. bllok shënimesh
    workbox ['wë:kboks] n. kuti veglash
    workcamp ['wë:kkæmp] n 1. kamp pune për të burgosurit. 2. kaniier pune (vullnetare)
    workday ['wë:kdei] n.,adj. -n. ditë pune./-adj. pune, për ditë jave (rroba)
    work desk ['wë:k desk] n. tryezë pune
    worker ['wë:kë:] n 1. punëtor. 2. punonjës; nëpunës; research worker punonjës shkencor
    worker ant/bee ['wë:kë: ænt/bi:] n. zool. punëtore, milingonë/bletë punëtore.
    worker director ['wë:kë: di'rektë] n. punëtor anëtar i këshillit drejtues
    worker participation ['wë:kë: pa:'tisipeishën] n. pjesëmarrje e punëtorëve në marrjen e vendimeve
    work experience ['wë:k ik'spiëriëns] n. përvojë pune, vjetërsi në punë
    work file ['wë:k fail] n. kmp. dosje/dokument pune
    workforce ['wë:kfo:s] n. fuqi punëtore
    workhorse ['wë:kho:s] n 1. kalë pune. 2. fig. qen i punës, kafshë pune. 3. fig. makinë me rendiment të lartë
    workhouse ['wë:khaus] n 1. Br. hist. shtëpi e të varfërve, shtëpi pune, strehë vorfnore. 2. amer. drejt. shtëpi korrektimi
    work-in ['wë:kin] n., ind. pushtim i ndërmarrjes nga punëtorët
    working ['wë:king] adj.,n. -adj 1. pune (rroba, ditë, drekë). 2. aktive, e punësuar (popullsi); punëtor; the working class klasa punëtore, punëtorët; the working classes proletariat!./-n 1. pl. mekanizëm; fig. funksionim; ingranazhe (të shtetit etj). 2. min. kantier shfrytëzimi. 3. punë; punim, funksionim. 4. fermentim. 5. shfrytëzim (toke, miniere). 6. përpunim (materialesh). 7. qepje; qëndisje.
    working capital ['wë:king 'kæpitël] n. fin. kapital aktiv
    working drawing ['wë:king 'dro:ing] n. tek. skicë pune
    working expenses ['wë:king ik'spens] n. shpenzime operacionale
    working hypothesis ['wë:king hai'pothisis] n. hipotezë pune
    workingman ['wë:kingmën] n. punëtor
    working party ['wë:king 'pa:ti] n. Br 1. grup pune. 2. komision hetimor. 3. usht. skuadër
    working stiff ['wë:king stif] n. zhrg. punëtor
    workingwoman ['wë:kingwumën] n. punëtore
    workload ['wë:kloud] n. ngarkesë pune
    workman ['wë:kmën] n. pl. workmen 1. punëtor. 2. mjeshtër, usta.
    a bad workman blames his tools ustai i keq ua hedh fajin veglave
    workmanlike ['wë:kmënlaik] adj 1. prej profesionisti (qëndrim). 2. mjeshtëror, prej ustai. 3. fig. serioze (për pjekje)
    workmanship [wë:kmënship] n 1. mjeshtri; art. 2. cilësi; of fine workmanship i cilësisë së lartë
    workmate ['wë:kmeit] n. shok pune
    workmen's compensation ['wë:kmens kompën'seishën] n. adm. pension invaliditeti/për paaftësi të përhershme për punë
    work of art ['wë:k ëv a:t] n 1. vepër arti. 2. punë prej mjeshtri
    workpeople ['wë:kpi:pël] n. Br. punëtori, njerëz të punës; punonjës
    work permit [wë:k pë:'mit] n. adm. lejë pune
    workplace ['wë:kpleis] n. vend i punës; ndërmarrje
    work prospects ['wë:k 'prospekts] n. perspektiva pune
    workroom ['wë:kru:m] n. dhomë pune; punishte e vogël (në shtëpi)
    work-rule ['wë:kru:l] vt. amer. u kërkoj (punëtorëve) brenda normave të punës
    works [wë:ks] n.pl 1. uzinë; steel works uzinë çeliku; price ex works fin. çmim i mallit në fabrikë. 2. impiant; stacion; water works stacion/impiant pastrimi uji
    workshop ['wë:kshop] n 1. punishte; repart. 2. mbledhje/takim pune
    workshy ['wë:kshai] adj. dembel, që ia përton punës
    work-study student n. amer. student i punësuar (nga universiteti)
    worktable ['wë:kteibël] n. tryezë/tavolinë pune
    workwoman ['ë:kwumën] n. punëtore
    work-worn ['wë:kwo:n] adj. i ngrënë nga përdorimi, i konsumuar nga puna
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    English-Albanian dictionary > work

  • 12 know

    [nou] v.,n. -v. ( knew ; known) di; get to know sth marr vesh diçka; he knows what he's talking about ai di se ç'flet; there's no knowing what may happen si dihet se ç'ndodh; he's known to have been there dihet se ai ka qenë aty; know sth backwards e di diçka në majë të gishtave. 2. njoh; know sb by name/by sight e njoh dikë vetëm si emër/për fytyrë; get to know sb njihem me dikë; I don't know him to speak to nuk kam muhabet me dikë; I knew it e dija. 3. dalloj, shquaj, njoh; he knows a good painting when he sees one ai di ta njohë pikturën e mirë; know the difference between e dalloj ndryshimin ndërmjet; know right from wrong e dalloj të mirën nga e keqja. 4. vi. di; jam në dijeni; as far as I know me sa di unë, we'll let you know do të të vëmë në dijeni; how should I know e nga ta di unë; no, not that I know me sa di unë, jo; there's no (way of) knowing nuk ke nga ta dish; it's not easy, you know ti e kupton, s'është e lehtë; you ought to know better (than to..) duhej ta kuptoje vetë se nuk bëhej kështu; you know best askush s'e di më mire se ti. 5. njoh, jam njohës i mirë i.
    know what is what gj.fol. jam i informuar mirë./-n. dijeni.
    be in the know jam në dijeni; kam të dhëna nga brenda.
    knowable ['nouëbël] adj. i njohshëm
    know-all ['nouol] n. zhrg. njeri që shet dije, 'kokë e madhe'
    know-how ['nouhau] n. gj.fol. njohuri, aftësi, njohuri teknike
    knowing ['nouing] adj 1. i mirinformuar. 2. imprehtë; finok. 3. mirëkuptimi (vështrim)
    knowingly ['nouingli] adv 1. me qëllim, me dashje; me vetëdijë. 2. në marrëveshje, me mirëkuptim
    know-it-all [nouito:l] n. zhrg. shih know-all
    knowledge ['nolixh] n 1. njohje. 2. njohuri; dituri; have a working knowledge of Albanian kam njohuri praktike të gjuhës shqipe; have a thorough knowledge of sth e njoh me rrënjë diçka, kam njohuri të plota për diçka. 3. dijeni; have no knowledge of nuk kam asnjë dijeni për; not to my knowledge mesadi unë,jo; without my knowledge pa dijeninë time; to (the best of) my knowledge me sa di unë; it is common knowledge that... dihet mirë se..; it has come to my knowledge that... kam marrë vesh se
    knowledgeable ['nolixhëbël] adj. gj.fol. 1. i mi­rinformuar, i informuar; inteligjent, i vetëdijshëm, i ndërgjegjshëm. 2. i dokumentuar
    known [noun] adj 1. i njohur, i ditur. 2. i mirënjohur
    know-nothing ['nounathing] n. i paditur, injorant
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    English-Albanian dictionary > know

  • 13 knowledge

    ['nolixh] n 1. njohje. 2. njohuri; dituri; have a working knowledge of Albanian kam njohuri praktike të gjuhës shqipe; have a thorough knowledge of sth e njoh me rrënjë diçka, kam njohuri të plota për diçka. 3. dijeni; have no knowledge of nuk kam asnjë dijeni për; not to my knowledge mesadi unë,jo; without my knowledge pa dijeninë time; to (the best of) my knowledge me sa di unë; it is common knowledge that... dihet mirë se..; it has come to my knowledge that... kam marrë vesh se
    knowledgeable ['nolixhëbël] dj. gj.fol. 1. i mi­rinformuar; inteligjent, i vetëdijshëm, i ndërgjegjshëm. 2. i dokumentuar
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    English-Albanian dictionary > knowledge

  • 14 BIOS

    ['baios] n. shkurtesë nga b asic i nput o utput s ystem ( BIOS) sistemi themelor për hyrje-dalje ( informatikë)
    What is BIOS?
    BIOS is an acronym for Basic Input/Output System. It is the boot firmware program on a PC, and controls the computer from the time you start it up until the operating system takes over. When you turn on a PC, the BIOS first conducts a basic hardware check, called a Power-On Self Test (POST), to determine whether all of the attachments are present and working. Then it loads the operating system into your computer's random access memory, or RAM.
    The BIOS also manages data flow between the computer's operating system and attached devices such as the hard disk, video card, keyboard, mouse, and printer.
    The BIOS stores the date, the time, and your system configuration information in a battery-powered, non-volatile memory chip, called a CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) after its manufacturing process.
    Although the BIOS is standardized and should rarely require updating, some older BIOS chips may not accommodate new hardware devices. Before the early 1990s, you couldn't update the BIOS without removing and replacing its ROM chip. Contemporary BIOS resides on memory chips such as flash chips or EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory), so that you can update the BIOS yourself if necessary.
    For detailed information about BIOS updates, visit:
    What is firmware?
    Firmware consists of programs installed semi-permanently into memory, using various types of programmable ROM chips, such as PROMS, EPROMs, EEPROMs, and flash chips.
    Firmware is non-volatile, and will remain in memory after you turn the system off.
    Often, the term firmware is used to refer specifically to boot firmware, which controls a computer from the time that it is turned on until the primary operating system has taken over. Boot firmware's main function is to initialize the hardware and then to boot (load and execute) the primary operating system. On PCs, the boot firmware is usually referred to as the BIOS.
    What is the difference between memory and disk storage?
    Memory and disk storage both refer to internal storage space in a computer.
    The term memory usually means RAM (Random Access Memory). To refer to hard drive storage, the terms disk space or storage are usually used.
    Typically, computers have much less memory than disk space, because RAM is much more expensive per megabyte than a hard disk. Today, a typical desktop computer might come with 512MB of RAM, and a 40 gigabyte hard disk.
    Virtual memory is disk space that has been designated to act like RAM.
    Computers also contain a small amount of ROM, or read-only memory, containing permanent or semi-permanent (firmware) instructions for checking hardware and starting up the computer. On a PC, this is called the BIOS.
    What is RAM?
    RAM stands for Random Access Memory. RAM provides space for your computer to read and write data to be accessed by the CPU (central processing unit). When people refer to a computer's memory, they usually mean its RAM.
    New computers typically come with at least 256 megabytes (MB) of RAM installed, and can be upgraded to 512MB or even a gigabyte or more.
    If you add more RAM to your computer, you reduce the number of times your CPU must read data from your hard disk. This usually allows your computer to work considerably faster, as RAM is many times faster than a hard disk.
    RAM is volatile, so data stored in RAM stays there only as long as your computer is running. As soon as you turn the computer off, the data stored in RAM disappears.
    When you turn your computer on again, your computer's boot firmware (called BIOS on a PC) uses instructions stored semi-permanently in ROM chips to read your operating system and related files from the disk and load them back into RAM.
    Note: On a PC, different parts of RAM may be more or less easily accessible to programs. For example, cache RAM is made up of very high-speed RAM chips which sit between the CPU and main RAM, storing (i.e., caching) memory accesses by the CPU. Cache RAM helps to alleviate the gap between the speed of a CPU's megahertz rating and the ability of RAM to respond and deliver data. It reduces how often the CPU must wait for data from main memory.
    What is ROM?
    ROM is an acronym for Read-Only Memory. It refers to computer memory chips containing permanent or semi-permanent data. Unlike RAM, ROM is non-volatile; even after you turn off your computer, the contents of ROM will remain.
    Almost every computer comes with a small amount of ROM containing the boot firmware. This consists of a few kilobytes of code that tell the computer what to do when it starts up, e.g., running hardware diagnostics and loading the operating system into RAM. On a PC, the boot firmware is called the BIOS.
    Originally, ROM was actually read-only. To update the programs in ROM, you had to remove and physically replace your ROM chips. Contemporary versions of ROM allow some limited rewriting, so you can usually upgrade firmware such as the BIOS by using installation software. Rewritable ROM chips include PROMs (programmable read-only memory), EPROMs (erasable read-only memory), EEPROMs (electrically erasable programmable read-only memory), and a common variation of EEPROMs called flash memory.
    What is an ACPI BIOS?
    ACPI is an acronym that stands for Advanced Configuration and Power Interface, a power management specification developed by Intel, Microsoft, and Toshiba. ACPI support is built into Windows 98 and later operating systems. ACPI is designed to allow the operating system to control the amount of power provided to each device or peripheral attached to the computer system. This provides much more stable and efficient power management and makes it possible for the operating system to turn off selected devices, such as a monitor or CD-ROM drive, when they are not in use.
    ACPI should help eliminate computer lockup on entering power saving or sleep mode. This will allow for improved power management, especially in portable computer systems where reducing power consumption is critical for extending battery life. ACPI also allows for the computer to be turned on and off by external devices, so that the touch of a mouse or the press of a key will "wake up" the computer. This new feature of ACPI, called OnNow, allows a computer to enter a sleep mode that uses very little power.
    In addition to providing power management, ACPI also evolves the existing Plug and Play BIOS (PnP BIOS) to make adding and configuring new hardware devices easier. This includes support for legacy non-PnP devices and improved support for combining older devices with ACPI hardware, allowing both to work in a more efficient manner in the same computer system. The end result of this is to make the BIOS more PnP compatible.
    What is CMOS?
    CMOS, short for Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor, is a low-power, low-heat semiconductor technology used in contemporary microchips, especially useful for battery-powered devices. The specific technology is explained in detail at:
    Most commonly, though, the term CMOS is used to refer to small battery-powered configuration chips on system boards of personal computers, where the BIOS stores the date, the time, and system configuration details.
    How do I enter the Setup program in my BIOS?
    Warning: Your BIOS Setup program is very powerful. An incorrect setting could cause your computer not to boot properly. You should make sure you understand what a setting does before you change it.
    You can usually run Setup by pressing a special function key or key combination soon after turning on the computer, during its power-on self test (POST), before the operating system loads (or before the operating system's splash screen shows). During POST, the BIOS usually displays a prompt such as:
    Press F2 to enter Setup
    Many newer computers display a brief screen, usually black and white, with the computer manufacturer's logo during POST.
    Entering the designated keystroke will take you into the BIOS Setup. Common keystrokes to enter the BIOS Setup are F1, F2, F10, and Del.
    On some computers, such as some Gateway or Compaq computers, graphics appear during the POST, and the BIOS information is hidden. You must press Esc to make these graphics disappear. Your monitor will then display the correct keystroke to enter.
    Note: If you press the key too early or too often, the BIOS may display an error message. To avoid this, wait about five seconds after turning the power on, and then press the key once or twice.
    What's the difference between BIOS and CMOS?
    Many people use the terms BIOS (basic input/output system) and CMOS (complementary metal oxide semiconductor) to refer to the same thing. Though they are related, they are distinct and separate components of a computer. The BIOS is the program that starts a computer up, and the CMOS is where the BIOS stores the date, time, and system configuration details it needs to start the computer.
    The BIOS is a small program that controls the computer from the time it powers on until the time the operating system takes over. The BIOS is firmware, which means it cannot store variable data.
    CMOS is a type of memory technology, but most people use the term to refer to the chip that stores variable data for startup. A computer's BIOS will initialize and control components like the floppy and hard drive controllers and the computer's hardware clock, but the specific parameters for startup and initializing components are stored in the CMOS.

    English-Albanian dictionary > BIOS

  • 15 work on

    [wë:k on] vazhdoj punën ; përpunoj ; to work on s.o ( s.o.'s mind) e përpunoj dikë; ndikoj te dikush ; mbështetem ; to have no data to work on s'kam të dhëna ku të mbështetem; merrem me ; work on the car for two hours merrem dy ore me rregullimin e makinës; I'm working on it po vazhdoj të merrem me të (me problemin); strap that works on a wheel rrip që kalon nëpër një rrotë; wheel that works on a fixed axle rrotë që sillet në një bosht të palëvizshëm.

    English-Albanian dictionary > work on

  • 16 work up

    ['wë:k ap] a) zhvillohet; b) përgatitet; c) kërkoj të arrij: what is he working up to? ku kërkon të dale ai? d) ngre (pantallonat, fundin); e) fig. ngre, ndërtoj; work one's way up to the top arrij të çaj/të ngrihem në nivelet drejtuese; f) shtyj, nxis: work the crowd up into a fury nxis zemërimin e njerëzve; don't get all worked up! mos u nxeh kaq shumë!

    English-Albanian dictionary > work up

  • 17 WP

    [dablju:'pi:] n. shkurtim për weather per­mitting = po mbajti koha, po na lejoi moti; WordPerfect kmp. Uord-perfekt, program për përpunim teksti; WP (working pressure) tension, stres pune

    English-Albanian dictionary > WP

См. также в других словарях:

  • Working memory — (also referred to as short term memory, depending on the specific theory) is a theoretical construct within cognitive psychology that refers to the structures and processes used for temporarily storing and manipulating information. There are… …   Wikipedia

  • Working class — is a term used in academic sociology and in ordinary conversation to describe, depending on context and speaker, those employed in specific fields or types of work.As with many terms describing social class, working class is defined and used in… …   Wikipedia

  • Working poor — is a term used to describe individuals and families who maintain regular employment but remain in relative poverty due to low levels of pay and dependent expenses.The working poor are often distinguished from paupers, poor who are supported by… …   Wikipedia

  • WORKING!! — WORKING Manga Creado por Karino Takatsu Editorial Square Enix Publicado en Young Gangan Primera edición Enero de 2005 Volúmenes …   Wikipedia Español

  • Working Families Party — of New York Chairman Sam Williams (co chair) Bob Master (co chair) Founded 1998 Headquarters 2 Nevins Street …   Wikipedia

  • Working Poor — (arbeitende Arme) bzw. Erwerbsarmut bezeichnet das Phänomen von Menschen, die trotz Erwerbstätigkeit nicht vor Armut abgesichert sind. In politischen oder bevölkerungsstatistischen Zusammenhängen wird der Begriff auch als Sammelbezeichnung für… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Working Assets — is an American company that offers mobile and long distance phone service and a credit card. Founded in 1985, the company is based in San Francisco, California. It has stated a goal of being socially responsible. The company donates a portion of… …   Wikipedia

  • Working on a Dream — Álbum de estudio de Bruce Springsteen Publicación 27 de enero de 2009 Grabación 2008 Género(s) Rock Duración …   Wikipedia Español

  • Working Group (dogs) — Working Group is the name of a breed Group of dogs, used by kennel clubs to classify a defined collection of dog breeds. Most major English language kennel clubs include a Working Group , although different kennel clubs may not include the same… …   Wikipedia

  • Working class culture — is a range of cultures created by or popular among working class people. The cultures can be contrasted with high culture and folk culture, and are sometimes equated with popular culture and low culture (the counterpart of high culture). Working… …   Wikipedia

  • Working Families for Wal-Mart — is an advocacy group formed by Wal Mart and the Edelman public relations firm on December 20, 2005. [cite news url= http://money.cnn.com/2006/10/17/technology/pluggedin gunther blog.fortune/index.htm |title= Corporate blogging: Wal Mart s fumbles …   Wikipedia

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